Monday, October 28, 2019

Money flows to me easily!

Thank you for the wealth I once longed for

I can see money flowing to me

I am abundantly successful in everything I dedicate myself to

I intend financial freedom

I receive unexpected checks in the mail

I am open to money coming to me from new ways that I've never imagined

Everything I need for success comes to me effortlessly and easily

Financial freedom is easy!

I am grateful for all the money I have received in my life

I deserve all good things

I know that I am worthy of
wealth right, just as I am

I am open to receiving all the riches the Universe wants to give me

Money is my friend

I love money and money loves me

Wealth is a blessing that enriches my daily life

I always have whatever I need

I allow an abundance of money to flow to me

I create wealth and prosperity with ease

I thank the universe for all the prosperity that is mine today

Sharing my abundance with others makes me feel good

I am attracting all the money I need to live my fullest life!

I am wealthy beyond measure

I am blessed with abundance every day of my life

Thank you!

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