Sunday, October 6, 2019

Life is filled with magic

Thank you God, thank you universe for this beautiful day

Thank you for love

Thank you for light

I am so happy and thankful that I am fit and healthy

Today is going to be amazing!

Today miracles are headed my way

Thank you for blessing me with peace, love, and abundance

I am coming out of my comfort zone

I am free!

I let go of all things that don't serve me

I embrace my spiritual transition

I think big, and then I allow myself to accept more of what the universe has to offer!

I am a mender

Deep profound serenity is expanding in my life

I celebrate everything in my life, and I live in limitless joy

My light radiates through my life and the world around me

I am divinely guided gently and lovingly

I am ready to prosper beyond my wildest dreams

I embrace and love all of my life

I live my truth

The glory of the universe flows through me

I unconditionally accept, cherish, and love myself just as I am

I am forever grateful for how far I have come

This is the best decade of my life so far!

Miracles are blossoming in my life

I am safe and loved no matter where I am

Success expands in my life!

I am trusting that everything is unfolding in perfect timing

I deserve only the best

I allow my heart and soul to sing with joy

I let go of old emotional pain

I am balanced

I am spiritually aware

I gently release all my worries, anxieties, and fears

True magic is abounding in my life!

Thank you!

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