Tuesday, October 1, 2019

How to live an amazing life

As I use my gifts and talents to serve others, doors open to 
support my success

I easily release clutter from my life for good

I am a respectful, loving person who cares deeply about how I treat others people feel safe around me

My workplace is a drama free zone that brings me peace and fulfillment 

I give myself permission to move out of the past with gratitude and into a joyous new life 

I meet interesting and powerful people daily 

I am manifesting my deepest heart's desires

I am attaining my goals 

I allow great things to happen to me. I love my life 

I have youthful, vibrant, glowing skin

My husband adores me and treats me with respect 

As I release clutter from my life, I free myself to answer the calling of my soul 

Amazing people come into my life now

Love is my guiding truth 

I am fulfilling my hearts desires 

I choose joy

I am grateful for all of my blessings 

Thank you for love

Thank you for peace 

Thank you for money 

Thank you for my dream career

Thank you for my family and friends 

Thank you for light

Thank you for all I have and all I will receive 

I am where I need to be in life

I am embracing my journey and giving my all to what feels right 

I am rising like the moon and sharing my light with others

I am strong

I am whole and complete 

I am enough 

I trust that everything in my life is unfolding exactly how and when it should

I am forever blessed and grateful

May the next few days manifest a magical surprise for me!

Money flows into my life with ease and grace 

All is well 

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