Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I am a money magnet!

Thank you for the wealth I once longed for

I am attracting more money everyday

I have the exact knowledge that is required to make my success perfect

Wealth is a blessing that enriches my daily life

I always receive all the money I need to live a full life

I am generous with money

The more I share my wealth the more my wealth grows

I have financial freedom

Prosperity, wealth, riches, abundance and financial freedom are naturally available to me

I am a wealth magnet

I smile with gratitude when I think of the abundance in my life

Now is the perfect time for money to flow to me in abundance

I am wonderfully blessed financially! It is amazing!

I attract all that I need to bring forth my success

I circulate money

I am wise with money

I deserve money so I can do everything I want to do in this life

I thank the Universe for all the prosperity that is mine today

My intention is for financial freedom for myself, and everyone

I am wealthy

Financial freedom is my choice

I am grateful to receive all the money I need

The universe has received my order for money and will make it appear to me

I give myself permission to have all the things that I desire

I love money and money loves me

I have the money to cover all my financial obligations - now and forever more

Thank you!

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