Thursday, November 7, 2019

22 Wealth & Prosperity Affirmations

I am a channel for life's flow of abundance

Sharing my abundance with others makes me feel good

Money is unlimited

I am attracting more and more money every day

I always have enough money to meet my needs

I am receiving more money every day

I thank the universe for all the prosperity that is mine today

I have the exact knowledge that is required to make my success perfect

I welcome prosperity, health, and happiness into my life

I can see money flowing to me

It is my right to be rich

Money belongs to me

I am excited by other people receiving money!

I have more than enough

Money never stops flowing to me

I am grateful to receive all the money I need

I am a wealth magnet

Money flows to me from all directions

Everything I need for success comes to me effortlessly and easily

I am a wealth creator

I allow an abundance of money to flow to me

I have financial freedom now!

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