Friday, September 27, 2019

I am limitless

The wealth of the universe is manifesting in my life now!

I lean toward things that make me feel good 

My life is expanding in glorious ways

My income is constantly increasing 

I am having a blast living my mission

I am connected to spirit 

My life is changing drastically 

All that I have been working on and visualizing is manifesting for me now!

All my efforts and dedication is about to pay off in a major way

I am so grateful and I feel so blessed to know that everything is happening for me 

I trust myself 

I am grateful 

I love life 

I feel safe 

I am secure 

I am grounded 

I am stable 

I am loved 

I trust life

I am courageous

I am confident 

I am prosperous 

I love my body

I love my life 

I instantly manifest all my desires

I am abundant

I am enlightened 

I am nourished 

I am confident 

I am healed 

I am awake 

I am successful 

I am wealthy

I am in control 

I am strong 

I am protected 

I am stable 

I feel deeply rooted

I am connected to my body

I feel safe and secure

I am whole and complete

I have a right to be here 

I stand for my values, truth and justice 

I have what I need 

I nurture my body with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation and nature 

I am open to possibilities 

I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to grow and transform 

I trust in the goodness of life 

I make choices that are healthy and good for me 

I love life 

I let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe 

I am calm, at peace, and centered 

I am wealthy and money is constantly abundant in my life 

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