Friday, November 22, 2019

25 Affirmations For Attracting Wealth & Prosperity

I can see money flowing to me

I am open to the possibility that money can flow to me from all directions

I always have whatever I need

I smile with gratitude when I think of the abundance in my life

I choose prosperity

I love money and money loves me

Wealth is a blessing that enriches my daily life

Financial freedom is my choice

I am generous and the Universe repays me a hundred fold

I turn away from any doubt and will keep going until I am financially free

I am attracting all the money I need to live my fullest life

I attract money effortlessly and easily

My bank account is full, my heart is full, and my life is full

Money never stops flowing to me

I wish good fortune and happiness for myself, and everyone

I am a wealth creator

I am becoming more abundance by the day

The Universe wants to give me everything I desire

I am using money to bless my life and other people's lives

I let go of any and all beliefs that are not in line with my financial freedom

I always receive all the money I need to live a full life

I have financial freedom

I am receiving more money every day

I deserve all good things

Money is flowing to me

Thank you!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

11 Inspirational affirmations

11 Inspirational affirmations to start your day on a positive note!

1. I am open to receiving floods of financial abundance, which allows me to give back more!

2. I invite miracles into my life!

3. I believe I can accomplish great things!

4. I am a magnet for miracles!

5. Unexpected money simple falls into my lap!

6. I release all dis-ease from my body and welcome health, love, and happiness into my life!

7. My dreams are coming true!

8. I am accomplishing all my goals!

9. Money teaches me accountability, respect, and value!

10. Something wonderful is about to happen to me!

11. I am patient and find joy everyday!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Affirmations for an amazing day!

I live in bliss and ecstasy

Pleasure is my daily mantra

Today is a day of peace and happiness

I am grounded and centered

I am grateful for my beautiful life filled with many blessings

I move through my day with consciousness, grace, and love

I attract into my life love, abundance, joy and miracles

I am filled with light, love and peace

I am grateful for money and the possessions I already have

I am overflowing with abundance

I am healthy, whole, and strong

All is well

The universe has perfect timing

I am in tune with who I am

Things always work out for me

I am worthy

I am in love with the unknown

Miracles happen in my life all the time

I always have more than enough

I am a blessing to others

I add value to the world

I pay all my bills on time

I have financial freedom

Favor finds me wherever I go

I allow more money into my life

I am open and ready to receive

I have everything I've ever wanted and more

I release all resistance to money and I now allow it to flow joyously into my life

Thank you!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Forever and always thankful

Dear God,

Thank you for this beautiful day

Thank you for peace

Thank you for love

Thank you for joy

Thank you for clarity

Thank you for loving and supportive family

Thank you for a fun life 

Thank you for my dream car

Thank you for my dream house

Thank you for my kids

Thank you for the money to buy everything I desire 

Thank you for a healthy mind and body

Thank you for all I have and all that I will receive

Thank you for my beautiful clear skin

Thank you for my healthy long curly hair

Thank you for healthy and nourishing foods

Thank you for an amazing day

And so it is, Amen

Thursday, November 7, 2019

22 Wealth & Prosperity Affirmations

I am a channel for life's flow of abundance

Sharing my abundance with others makes me feel good

Money is unlimited

I am attracting more and more money every day

I always have enough money to meet my needs

I am receiving more money every day

I thank the universe for all the prosperity that is mine today

I have the exact knowledge that is required to make my success perfect

I welcome prosperity, health, and happiness into my life

I can see money flowing to me

It is my right to be rich

Money belongs to me

I am excited by other people receiving money!

I have more than enough

Money never stops flowing to me

I am grateful to receive all the money I need

I am a wealth magnet

Money flows to me from all directions

Everything I need for success comes to me effortlessly and easily

I am a wealth creator

I allow an abundance of money to flow to me

I have financial freedom now!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Money flows to me easily!

Thank you for the wealth I once longed for

I can see money flowing to me

I am abundantly successful in everything I dedicate myself to

I intend financial freedom

I receive unexpected checks in the mail

I am open to money coming to me from new ways that I've never imagined

Everything I need for success comes to me effortlessly and easily

Financial freedom is easy!

I am grateful for all the money I have received in my life

I deserve all good things

I know that I am worthy of
wealth right, just as I am

I am open to receiving all the riches the Universe wants to give me

Money is my friend

I love money and money loves me

Wealth is a blessing that enriches my daily life

I always have whatever I need

I allow an abundance of money to flow to me

I create wealth and prosperity with ease

I thank the universe for all the prosperity that is mine today

Sharing my abundance with others makes me feel good

I am attracting all the money I need to live my fullest life!

I am wealthy beyond measure

I am blessed with abundance every day of my life

Thank you!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

It is my right to be rich!

I love sharing my abundance with my loved ones

I always have enough money to meet my needs

I smile with gratitude when I think of the abundance in my life

I make the decision to become wealthy

I am open to being rich
It is my right to be rich

Financial freedom is my choice

I am generous and the universe repays me a hundred fold

I love money and money loves me

I am financially thriving

I always receive all the money I need to live a full life

I am a money magnet

Money belongs to me

I always have more money coming in than going out

I thank the universe for all the prosperity that is mine today

I welcome prosperity, health, and happiness into my life

I am abundantly successful in everything I dedicate myself to

I am receiving more money today

I am becoming richer by the second

I am blessed with abundance every day of my life

Money comes to me from many sources

I know how to tap the Universal flow of unlimited abundance

I let go of any and all beliefs that are not aligned with my financial freedom

I am grateful for my ever increasing wealth and prosperity

Thank you!

All is well!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A miracle of abundance is coming!

I am divinely taken care of

My career is bursting with opportunities to express my creativity and passion

I am worthy of more prosperity and I open my heart and hands to receive it now

I am on the road to financial freedom by living well within my means and saving money for a bright and secure future

My life is a beautiful reflection of my soul

I am never in a rush, I trust in divine timing

Everything that I desire is coming to me

I am ready to have a miracle in love

Its safe for me to release money worries

Yes! My life is filled with blessings and treasures

Every cell of my body has a perfect gravitational match with my desires

I am funny, giving, and fabulous

I have more than enough money 

A miracle of abundance comes to me today

Overflowing wealth and wellness is happening to me right now, in the best possible way, for the highest good

Thank you!

The Universe rewards gratitude

Thank you for this beautiful day

Thank you for unconditional love

Thank you for all I have and all I will receive

Thank you for laughter

Thank you for peace

Today will be amazing!

I am happy

Today I choose to feel good

My day can only get better and better from here

Thank you!

I am happy

I am in control of my emotions

I am in alignment

Thank you for kindness

I feel inspired moment by moment

I feel worthy

I feel deserving of the highest good

I am wonderfully blessed

Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you for the money to buy groceries

Thank you for money to pay all my bills on time every month

Thank you for transportation

Thank you for my dream car

Thank you for food

Thank you for my loving and supportive family

Thank you for money miracles

Thank you for my healthy and fulfilling lifestyle

Thank you for peace

Thank you for electricity

Thank you for clean water

Thank you for nature

Thank you for the blue sky

Thank you for the trees

Thank you for own sacred space

Thank you for meditation

Thank you for clean water

Thank you for music

Thank you for angels

Thank you for my dream life

Thank you for a healthy mind and body

Thank you for my beautiful clear skin

Thank you for all my body parts

Thank you for the opportunity to travel and make passive income

I love my life!

I always look for things to be grateful for no matter what size

I am forever thankful and wonderfully blessed!

All is well

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Be kind to yourself

I am grateful for the chance to start over each day, and create the life that I want

I am grateful for the fact that I can learn from my mistakes, and then let them go

I am grateful that God supports me with unconditional love, to be the happiest, best person I can be

My experiences make me stronger, wiser, and prepared

I am kind to myself

I allow love to fill me up and guide me in all of my actions

I am able to let go of the past, to forgive myself and others

I love myself and others fearlessly

I am so happy and thankful that I am adding value to others life

I let go of expectations and limits

I release all that doesn't serve me

I have wonderful friends and family

I take great care of myself

Thank you universe for taking care of my bills, healing my heart, protecting my heart and making every day magical

My heart is open and I am ready for love now

My best years are in front of me starting today

I handle money with joy and love

I am grateful for everyone in my life

I appreciate my life

I live in an attitude of gratitude

My power lies in my softness

My femininity is my strength

I practice being a better person every day

Tonight I release the events of the previous days. I take a deep breath and let go of what has passed. I clear my spirit and breathe in new light. This light fills me with warmth and love. I am renewed and fulfilled. Tomorrow I start refreshed!

And so it is!

I choose Joy!

Thank you God, thank you universe for this beautiful life

Thank you for an amazing day!

I am living with compassion

I am an angel with my hands

My heart and mind are focused on gratitude

I am grateful

Unexpected doors fly open for me

I speak love

I live my hearts song, I am eternally loved

I am ready for success

I am humble

I am thankful for everything and everyone in my life

I am kind

I am gentle with myself and others

I am compassionate

I am patient

I am calm

I am unconditional love

I am wealthy

I am independent

I am successful

I am traveling and making passive income

I am wonderfully blessed

My family is wonderfully blessed

I am intelligent

I am generous

I am healed

I am surrounded by positive, motivating, loving and understanding people

Success is my birth right

I am worthy of all the desires of my heart

I am doing my absolute best in life

I am loving and positive

I am a powerful healer

I love myself

I am gentle

I choose to feel happy

I choose to feel joy

I choose to be gentle with myself and others

Thank you!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I add value to the world

Love flows through me and to me

I am attracting emotional fulfillment and unconditional love

I am patient

I trust the universe

I am a master piece and a work in progress at the same time

I am a beautiful diamond

I am a butterfly

I am healthy

I am wealthy

I love myself just as I am

I have people rooting for me that I don't know

I am loved

I intend to feel good

I am making a difference

I embrace my weirdness

I am making an impact

I let go of control

I allow life to do its thing

I am in control of my eternal condition

What I seek is seeking me!

I am understanding

I am allowing my true self to shine because I am awesome!

All is well

Sunday, October 6, 2019

20 Wealth affirmations

Every day I am open to receiving money from surprising sources

I am a wealth creator

I am grateful to receive all the money I need

The more I share my wealth the more my wealth grows

Money never stops flowing to me

I give myself permission to have all the things that I desire

I know how to tap the universal flow of unlimited abundance

I am becoming richer by the second

I welcome prosperity, health, and happiness into my life

Everything I need for success comes to me effortlessly and easily

I am excited to see where more money is going to come from next

I know that I am worthy of wealth right now, just as I am

I deserve money so I can do everything I want to do in this life

I have the money to cover all my financial obligations - now and forever more

I am receiving more money today

Money flows easily to me

Money is constantly appearing in my life in unexpected ways

I am a wealth magnet

Financial freedom is easy

Wealth is a blessing that enriches my daily life

All is well

Life is filled with magic

Thank you God, thank you universe for this beautiful day

Thank you for love

Thank you for light

I am so happy and thankful that I am fit and healthy

Today is going to be amazing!

Today miracles are headed my way

Thank you for blessing me with peace, love, and abundance

I am coming out of my comfort zone

I am free!

I let go of all things that don't serve me

I embrace my spiritual transition

I think big, and then I allow myself to accept more of what the universe has to offer!

I am a mender

Deep profound serenity is expanding in my life

I celebrate everything in my life, and I live in limitless joy

My light radiates through my life and the world around me

I am divinely guided gently and lovingly

I am ready to prosper beyond my wildest dreams

I embrace and love all of my life

I live my truth

The glory of the universe flows through me

I unconditionally accept, cherish, and love myself just as I am

I am forever grateful for how far I have come

This is the best decade of my life so far!

Miracles are blossoming in my life

I am safe and loved no matter where I am

Success expands in my life!

I am trusting that everything is unfolding in perfect timing

I deserve only the best

I allow my heart and soul to sing with joy

I let go of old emotional pain

I am balanced

I am spiritually aware

I gently release all my worries, anxieties, and fears

True magic is abounding in my life!

Thank you!

Friday, October 4, 2019

You are in control of your reality

I am constantly guided, and boldly empowered to receive the lavish abundance of the universe

I open wide the doors of my consciousness to receive and give

I see money as a tool I can use to better the world

Today I will receive a miracle

I am adding value to others life

Thank you for loving and supportive people around me

Thank you for the opportunities to have more fun with my family

I graciously accept the infinite love of the universe

I am powerful beyond my wildest dreams

I manifest the things I want by believing in their existence

I passionately accept and love myself

Wonderful new experiences fill my life

I am receiving divine inspiration right now

All is well

I surrender to my inner guidance

I share abundance with others

I am receiving $50,000 of unexpected income

I am receiving a surplus of money now

I am unconditional love

I am worthy of everything I desire

I am emotionally calm and peaceful

I attract stable people to me

I let go of all that no longer serves me

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!