Friday, November 22, 2019

25 Affirmations For Attracting Wealth & Prosperity

I can see money flowing to me

I am open to the possibility that money can flow to me from all directions

I always have whatever I need

I smile with gratitude when I think of the abundance in my life

I choose prosperity

I love money and money loves me

Wealth is a blessing that enriches my daily life

Financial freedom is my choice

I am generous and the Universe repays me a hundred fold

I turn away from any doubt and will keep going until I am financially free

I am attracting all the money I need to live my fullest life

I attract money effortlessly and easily

My bank account is full, my heart is full, and my life is full

Money never stops flowing to me

I wish good fortune and happiness for myself, and everyone

I am a wealth creator

I am becoming more abundance by the day

The Universe wants to give me everything I desire

I am using money to bless my life and other people's lives

I let go of any and all beliefs that are not in line with my financial freedom

I always receive all the money I need to live a full life

I have financial freedom

I am receiving more money every day

I deserve all good things

Money is flowing to me

Thank you!

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