Friday, November 15, 2019

Affirmations for an amazing day!

I live in bliss and ecstasy

Pleasure is my daily mantra

Today is a day of peace and happiness

I am grounded and centered

I am grateful for my beautiful life filled with many blessings

I move through my day with consciousness, grace, and love

I attract into my life love, abundance, joy and miracles

I am filled with light, love and peace

I am grateful for money and the possessions I already have

I am overflowing with abundance

I am healthy, whole, and strong

All is well

The universe has perfect timing

I am in tune with who I am

Things always work out for me

I am worthy

I am in love with the unknown

Miracles happen in my life all the time

I always have more than enough

I am a blessing to others

I add value to the world

I pay all my bills on time

I have financial freedom

Favor finds me wherever I go

I allow more money into my life

I am open and ready to receive

I have everything I've ever wanted and more

I release all resistance to money and I now allow it to flow joyously into my life

Thank you!

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