Sunday, September 8, 2019

Daily Affirmations

Things always work out for me perfectly 

Everywhere I go I prosper

I am light

I am love

I am pure gold

I am good enough

I am peace

I am in a state of fulfillment. I have abundant love and joy in my life and I am free to do whatever I wish to do

I let go of all resistance to prosperity and it comes to me naturally 

Today will be the best day I've had all week!

I am always at the right place at the right time

My life is fun and easy

Money comes to me quickly and easily

Miracles are headed my way

I am a money magnet

I am thriving in every area of my life!

I am so thankful for the beautiful life I have!

I am open to something amazing coming my way today!

Today is a new day I have the power to manifest all of my desires!

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