Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you for this beautiful day!

Thank you for healthy food

Thank you for clean water 

Thank you for my shower

Thank you for my toothpaste

Thank you for my toothbrush

Thank you for my home

Thank you for clean clothes

Thank you for my shoes

Thank you for loving and supportive relationships around me 

Thank you for all that I have and all that I will receive 

I am abundant

Prosperity flows freely in my direction

I am open to receive all the resources I need

All that I am working towards is manifesting now!

Thank you for the money to pay all my bills on time every month. I pay my bills joyfully and with love!

I manifest everything I desire!

Divine guidance flows through my life!

I love my home and my home loves me

My life is a constant stream of miracles!

I am gentle with myself 

I have clear beautiful skin

Miracles are headed my way today!

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