Friday, September 27, 2019

Thank you Universe

Great things always happen to me 

Today my soul will make room for all that is to come

Today I let go of what is blocking me

Today I invite abundance of the highest good into my life

I am gentle with my words

I listen to others

I am authentic 

I have limitless potential and everything is working out for me 

My heart is overflowing with joy

I am peace 

I choose to have a peace of mind no matter what situation

I release all negative emotions that no longer serve my highest good 

I love and approve of myself 

I am a gift 

I trust the universe 

I am one with the miracle working presence of god 

Unexpected doors fly open for me 

All is well in my world 

What belongs to me always finds its way to me 

I believe that my prayers are already answered and I feel a strong gratitude for the delivery

I add value to the world

Thank you God, thank you universe for my beautiful life 

I open to the universal truth within me 

My heart is a sponge for love 

Every cell in my body radiates peacefulness and joy 

I am consumed by blissful, positive and healing energy 

It's safe for me to focus on making money

I speak my truth

I express myself with clarity and confidence 

I create my own reality 

I acknowledge the power of my word to create what I intend 

I release all fear and welcome change 

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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