Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Forever Grateful

Thank you for this beautiful day!

Thank you for every breath that I take

Thank you for fresh fruits

Thank you for fresh vegetables

Thank you for the opportunities to travel wherever, whenever I want to go

Thank you for transportation

Thank you for supportive and loving family and friends around me

Today something amazing is coming my way!

Everything in my life is unfolding in perfect timing.

I enjoy my life!

My life is fun and easy!

I trust myself 

I am enough

I am safe and supported

I am allowing myself to feel at peace

I attract everything that is for my highest good into my life

I choose to be grateful

I intend to feel good!

I am a powerful healer 

I can buy whatever I want or need

All good things are coming to me 

I embrace the unknown

I spread my wings

Miracles are blossoming in my life 

I am committed to making my dreams happen

The divine power of the universe flows through me 

I will do big things!

I open my heart to my guides and trust in the wisdom they share with me

I am united with spirit. I bind myself together with peace

I am a channel for compassion 

I accept love 

Thank you angels for comforting me and guiding me to my next step

Divine guidance flows through my life!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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