Friday, September 27, 2019

I am worthy

I am kind

I am gentle 

I trust that everything in my life is working for my highest good and I am receiving all that I am meant to have 

I speak my truth

My voice matters

I express myself 

I speak with kindness

I speak with love

My voice is strong 

My voice is clear 

My voice is steady

I have an opinion 

I have the words I need 

I take up for myself 

I am forgiving. 

I understand that nobody is perfect 

I forgive anyone that has wronged me

I release all grudges from my life

I'm ready to move on from anything that doesn't serve my highest good

I am going to spend my life being happy!

A miracle of abundance comes to me today!

Overflowing wealth and wellness is happening to me right now, in the best possible way
for the highest good! And so it is!

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