Friday, September 27, 2019

I am limitless

The wealth of the universe is manifesting in my life now!

I lean toward things that make me feel good 

My life is expanding in glorious ways

My income is constantly increasing 

I am having a blast living my mission

I am connected to spirit 

My life is changing drastically 

All that I have been working on and visualizing is manifesting for me now!

All my efforts and dedication is about to pay off in a major way

I am so grateful and I feel so blessed to know that everything is happening for me 

I trust myself 

I am grateful 

I love life 

I feel safe 

I am secure 

I am grounded 

I am stable 

I am loved 

I trust life

I am courageous

I am confident 

I am prosperous 

I love my body

I love my life 

I instantly manifest all my desires

I am abundant

I am enlightened 

I am nourished 

I am confident 

I am healed 

I am awake 

I am successful 

I am wealthy

I am in control 

I am strong 

I am protected 

I am stable 

I feel deeply rooted

I am connected to my body

I feel safe and secure

I am whole and complete

I have a right to be here 

I stand for my values, truth and justice 

I have what I need 

I nurture my body with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation and nature 

I am open to possibilities 

I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to grow and transform 

I trust in the goodness of life 

I make choices that are healthy and good for me 

I love life 

I let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe 

I am calm, at peace, and centered 

I am wealthy and money is constantly abundant in my life 

Thank you Universe

Great things always happen to me 

Today my soul will make room for all that is to come

Today I let go of what is blocking me

Today I invite abundance of the highest good into my life

I am gentle with my words

I listen to others

I am authentic 

I have limitless potential and everything is working out for me 

My heart is overflowing with joy

I am peace 

I choose to have a peace of mind no matter what situation

I release all negative emotions that no longer serve my highest good 

I love and approve of myself 

I am a gift 

I trust the universe 

I am one with the miracle working presence of god 

Unexpected doors fly open for me 

All is well in my world 

What belongs to me always finds its way to me 

I believe that my prayers are already answered and I feel a strong gratitude for the delivery

I add value to the world

Thank you God, thank you universe for my beautiful life 

I open to the universal truth within me 

My heart is a sponge for love 

Every cell in my body radiates peacefulness and joy 

I am consumed by blissful, positive and healing energy 

It's safe for me to focus on making money

I speak my truth

I express myself with clarity and confidence 

I create my own reality 

I acknowledge the power of my word to create what I intend 

I release all fear and welcome change 

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I am worthy

I am kind

I am gentle 

I trust that everything in my life is working for my highest good and I am receiving all that I am meant to have 

I speak my truth

My voice matters

I express myself 

I speak with kindness

I speak with love

My voice is strong 

My voice is clear 

My voice is steady

I have an opinion 

I have the words I need 

I take up for myself 

I am forgiving. 

I understand that nobody is perfect 

I forgive anyone that has wronged me

I release all grudges from my life

I'm ready to move on from anything that doesn't serve my highest good

I am going to spend my life being happy!

A miracle of abundance comes to me today!

Overflowing wealth and wellness is happening to me right now, in the best possible way
for the highest good! And so it is!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wonderfully Blessed

I am grateful that I have all I need

I am worthy of all things wonderful

Something amazing is about to happen for me. Doors are opening everywhere

I am a being of light and love 

I am divinely guided and inspired

I am at one with the universe 

I live my life through my highest self 

I am enlightened 

I embrace the unity of all

I open my heart space and I'm inviting of loving vibrations

I am able to let go of hurt, to forgive myself and others

Love fills my heart and heals me

I love deeply with a genuine passion and trust 

I radiate with the essence of pure love 

I know that everything I desire is coming 

I am relaxed and I let the universe pick the time and the way

I trust that what I want is coming and watch how fast the best of what I want comes to me

I envision myself in alignment with a divine universal wisdom 

I trust my intuition and I follow it with ease 

I have a clear vision of my spiritual path

I can see the light within every soul 

I am insightful and intuitive

It is safe for me to see the truth

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you for this beautiful day!

Thank you for healthy food

Thank you for clean water 

Thank you for my shower

Thank you for my toothpaste

Thank you for my toothbrush

Thank you for my home

Thank you for clean clothes

Thank you for my shoes

Thank you for loving and supportive relationships around me 

Thank you for all that I have and all that I will receive 

I am abundant

Prosperity flows freely in my direction

I am open to receive all the resources I need

All that I am working towards is manifesting now!

Thank you for the money to pay all my bills on time every month. I pay my bills joyfully and with love!

I manifest everything I desire!

Divine guidance flows through my life!

I love my home and my home loves me

My life is a constant stream of miracles!

I am gentle with myself 

I have clear beautiful skin

Miracles are headed my way today!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Forever Grateful

Thank you for this beautiful day!

Thank you for every breath that I take

Thank you for fresh fruits

Thank you for fresh vegetables

Thank you for the opportunities to travel wherever, whenever I want to go

Thank you for transportation

Thank you for supportive and loving family and friends around me

Today something amazing is coming my way!

Everything in my life is unfolding in perfect timing.

I enjoy my life!

My life is fun and easy!

I trust myself 

I am enough

I am safe and supported

I am allowing myself to feel at peace

I attract everything that is for my highest good into my life

I choose to be grateful

I intend to feel good!

I am a powerful healer 

I can buy whatever I want or need

All good things are coming to me 

I embrace the unknown

I spread my wings

Miracles are blossoming in my life 

I am committed to making my dreams happen

The divine power of the universe flows through me 

I will do big things!

I open my heart to my guides and trust in the wisdom they share with me

I am united with spirit. I bind myself together with peace

I am a channel for compassion 

I accept love 

Thank you angels for comforting me and guiding me to my next step

Divine guidance flows through my life!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

All Is Well

The more I take care of myself the more prosperous I am

I listen to my body and honor its wisdom

I surround myself with authentic and loving people who share my journey of personal growth and awakening

My career is bursting with opportunities to express my creativity and passion

I am gentle with myself and others

I love myself 

I am connected with my heart on a deeper level

I let go of all that doesn't serve me 

Daily Affirmations

Things always work out for me perfectly 

Everywhere I go I prosper

I am light

I am love

I am pure gold

I am good enough

I am peace

I am in a state of fulfillment. I have abundant love and joy in my life and I am free to do whatever I wish to do

I let go of all resistance to prosperity and it comes to me naturally 

Today will be the best day I've had all week!

I am always at the right place at the right time

My life is fun and easy

Money comes to me quickly and easily

Miracles are headed my way

I am a money magnet

I am thriving in every area of my life!

I am so thankful for the beautiful life I have!

I am open to something amazing coming my way today!

Today is a new day I have the power to manifest all of my desires!


Thank you God, Thank you universe for this beautiful life.

I am thankful for unconditional love surrounding me.

I am thankful for an amazing, safe place to live.

I am so thankful that I have healthy, high vibrational food in my fridge.

I am thankful for my healthy mind, body and spirit.

I am so thankful that money comes to me quickly and easily

I am thankful for loving and supportive family, and friends.

I am thankful for clean running water

I am thankful for a working washer and dryer

I am thankful for the clothes I have

I am thankful for my brand new 2020 Infiniti

I am thankful for everything I have right now and everything that I will receive in the future 

My life is more amazing than I ever could have dreamed.